Flying Model Vulcan


From the BMFA Members Handbook.

When you arrive at a flying field and before you start flying, we recommend that you take a few moments to consider the surroundings and the flights you will be making.
Think S.W.E.E.T.S.

S - Sun
W - Wind
E - Eventualities
E - Emergencies
T - Transmitter Control
S - Site Rules

– Where is the sun in relation to where you will be flying? Will it affect your flight patterns? What actions will you take if you accidentally fly ‘through ’ the sun? Should you be wearing sunglasses? Remember that low sun in winter can be a particular problem.
– Consider the wind strength and direction. How will this affect your flights? Will you have to modify your normal take-off and, especially, your landing pa tterns? From your local knowledge, will there be any turbulence with ‘this’ wind direction and strength? And how bad might it be?
– What will you do if you hear or see a full size aircraft or helicopter flying at low level near the field? What if the landing area is suddenly obstru cted when you are on finals to land? What will you do if a nearby footpath or bridle path suddenly has walkers or horses on it?
– You may have an engine cut at any part of a flight so consider where your dead-stick landings might be safely made and which ground areas you should definitely avoid. How will you warn other field users if you have an emergency?
Transmitter Control
– Is the site pegboard in operation? If not, why not? Where has the pegboard been placed? Are you familiar with the syst em and understand how it works?
Site Rules
– Are there any specific site rules you should be aware of? Most importantly, where are the no- fly zones or dead airspace areas on the site?

The SMART information below is also from the BMFA Handbook.
Before you prepare to fly, DOUBLE CHECK that all transmitter trims, rate switches, mixers etc. are in their correct positions and that the transmitter meter is ‘in the green’ or that you have the correct model selected and that your aerial is extended.
Be S.M.A.R.T. with your transmitter.

S Switch on
M Model selected is correct / Meter in the Green
A Aerial secure / extended
R Rate switches all in correct positions
T Transmitter voltage good and Trims all in correct positions